Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > sadness and transformation of energies


Where did the sadness go? - on transformation of energies

May 9, 2019

Saying For Today: The Light welcomes everything unconditionally, and in this embrace Wholeness works in subtle ways that are evidenced later, for I can never fathom the deep, mysterious movements of this eternal Life.


Go deep into the silence
The silence that heals
The silence that listens
The silence that Loves

All that is found in the silence is unconditional
All that is offered in the silence is free

It is the Great gift
There — for the taking
Only we must avail ourselves of it
And become still

In the silence of the heart God speaks
And so it is
And always shall be

This day and every day Amen

*Elizabeth Mills. In the Stillness: poems, prayers, reflections.

* * *

that one is sad
does not exclude joy
even as that one feels hate
does not exclude the feeling of love
apparently contrary emotions
in oneness rely on an underlying unity
wherein Grace can embrace in unison
what the mind cannot fathom as complementary
lived in Love in the heart

* * *

For many years I was followed by sadness, hovered over by it. A subtle sadness seemed to shroud me. The smile on my face could not erase this sadness. This sadness was so subtle, others may not have been aware of this close relationship I had with it.

Of course, I was not always aware of this sadness, as a person who carries anger around or one who is a happy being is not always conscious of it. And that I can say "I was not always aware of this" means I did not identify myself with the sadness. The sadness was just there. And I did not see the sadness as a problem. I did not act aggressive to try to eliminate it. And I did not analyze it, trying to know the whys and wherefores of it. I simply lived with it in peace.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > sadness and transformation of energies

©Brian Wilcox 2024